You may remember these gorgeous faces from when there was only three of them 🙂 You can see that post here. Baby Arlo has arrived & their hearts have expanded to fit one more.  Thank you for letting me in once more, Mikhayla.

Blog for family, wedding & pregnancy portraits.
Mel & Dane are two people who have their priorities in check. They have grown together & worked hard together. Their love for each other is unshakeable & they really just wanted to be married & to get on with joy that comes with officially being a team. Their wedding day was all the fun & minimal fuss — my favourite kind 🙂
Hanging out with these guys for the afternoon was not really a whole lot like work. The bushfires in the distance made for such amazing sunset & dusk light that I was completely spoilt for choice when it came to choose blog images. Martha’s gorgeous bump will be a little person in a mere few weeks & that little person is a lucky soul indeed. 🙂