A long overdue trip to our one time home”town”, Sydney with the kidlets & Stelly the Wonder Dog in tow. First stop was Dave’s Aunt & Uncle’s place in North Sydney for a few days, during which time Dave shot back up to Newcastle for a NYE wedding at Tocal Homestead. Bike rides on the tennis court, swims with Great-Aunty Pam, playing with the cousins & loads of trips to check out the cars in Great-Uncle Nige’s garage were the preferred way for Hamish & Archer to spend their time. From here it was onward to the city for a few nights via the Shire (yes I realise it’s not exactly “via” the Shire) to drop off Stellar for some sleepovers at Aunty Megs & Uncle Treasure’s place. Bike-riding in Hyde Park, catch ups with friends, a visit to the Powerhouse Museum, seeing the world’s biggest bath toy & Darling Harbour fireworks were just a few of the things we packed in. Attempting to shop the David Jones sales with three little boys was NOT a highlight & instead rammed home how much I freaking LOVE internet shopping!!
The days following our city stint were filled by family time, including taking some really special images for extended family & a first meeting for Jude with his Great-Grandfather . We also spent one lovely night with old friends & their dear old dog, Gabriel who will always have a special place in our hearts & is the reason we have such a ridiculous dog ourselves!
We packed in so much & came home needing a holiday to recover from our holiday…SO WORTH IT!